Monday, November 28, 2016


Christchurch is a fun  filled place to go with  your family. Christchurch has lots to offer like  quake city the museum the  cardboard  cathedral and the awesome graffiti art.
When you go to christchurch it's a good idea to go on the tram as it is only five dollars for a day and it has some an incredible sights to see.

Omaka scout camp

At Omaka scout camp they have a great view of the river and an exciting and exhilarating Obstacle course. The obstacle course consists of a rope swing, Tyre wall, pole jumping, Tyre tunnel and much more. If you like the water life or a nice ride down a stream then the river is great  for that.
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 11.39.18 am.png

I know from personal experience that feeding the Eels and taking and nice ride down a stream is  quite nice and relaxing. One other helpful thing about Omaka scout camp is it's a short walk from the Grones and the lake where you can go swimming or paddle boarding it's quite an experience .  

Monday, September 19, 2016

My book

Hugh and I have been reading this book ( bear grylls way of the wolf)

Hugh and i have just started reading this book we  choose this because we've read the other books and the Complement each other the blurb also interested us both.

we predicted that the plane is going  crash and and the pilot will die and they  will be stranded in Alaska with only Becks and Tikannas knowledge about survival .

Screen cast

At loburn we've recently been doing speeches we've made them into Screencasts  Click the link and mine will come up.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


At loburn school in team east my math group have been doing ratios we have created explain everything on what we have learnt click the link to see mine hope you like it . ratios

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


This is my matariki slide about matariki the maori myth i hope you injoy, click the link and press present ,the link.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Positive thinking

 This quote is heart warming and nice, read it and you'll feel good
And all warm inside.
This quote is off the website go there for positive thinking.