Monday, November 28, 2016

Omaka scout camp

At Omaka scout camp they have a great view of the river and an exciting and exhilarating Obstacle course. The obstacle course consists of a rope swing, Tyre wall, pole jumping, Tyre tunnel and much more. If you like the water life or a nice ride down a stream then the river is great  for that.
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 11.39.18 am.png

I know from personal experience that feeding the Eels and taking and nice ride down a stream is  quite nice and relaxing. One other helpful thing about Omaka scout camp is it's a short walk from the Grones and the lake where you can go swimming or paddle boarding it's quite an experience .  


  1. I like the sentence starter I know from personal experience and including the obstacle course was a smart idea. Nice use of vocabulary , using words like exciting and exhilarating instead of fun.

  2. Well done Jack, good use of personal voice. Keep working on using persuasive language to sell the location as a place to stay. Also think about varying your sentence length. What do you think the people in the picture are doing? $65
