Sunday, March 20, 2016

Rakahuri rage

On Sunday the 20/3/16 are class team east year eights had the rakahuri rage. The rakahuri rage is a biking Competition were You bike as many laps as possible in six hours I got five laps in one of those laps was an extra two km I did a total of 37 km I thought that was pretty good. I drank so much water I drank five 3 litre bottles and 3 1 litre bottles I had to go toilet so much.I Felt sore at the end of it aspecial my but
iI was proud that I passed some really good riders and we were only three seconds behind the winning team I also couldn't get up the the hills on the practice for it but on the day
 i didn't stop on any hills I think i didn't stop on any because I want to stay up the front
 the whole time and whenever
I Felt sore at the end of it aspecial my but
it felt good knowing that we had came second in the rage we beat our teachers in the rage that was good, at the end of each race i thought I was going to throw up and I didn't want to sit down anywhere because my but was numb and my stomach was sore and I couldn't stop because the girls would beat us and I didn't want to get beaten by girls.My team came second in the rage and it was made up of Lachlan Eb and I the prize was one pair of thermal tech socks and a twenty dollar voucher for the rangiora sports shop

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