Monday, May 30, 2016


At our school we have begun clubs.  Each Friday afternoon we go to our club we chose. I chose coding because it appealed to me in away none of the other clubs did, because it's using electronic devices and making something digital that you can program.

When I went to clubs I expected something easy to get us interested in how and what we'd be working with, and that's what I got. Next week I hope I can use the harder app so I can program the characters  a bit better and make a game.

When I was there I enjoyed teaching the younger students. I especially enjoyed watching one of the year 1 boys play around with the colour scheme of the characters and watching him laugh, it looked like he had figured it out better that me.

My goals for clubs is to recreate donkey kong, that old game, or make a completely new game that I'm yet to think of. I’m looking forward to my next session at coding so that I can find out what potential it has to offer.


  1. Well done Jack. I am pleased that you have picked a topic that appeals to you. It was really nice to read your acknowledgement of a younger student. I bet they really enjoyed working on the same project as you.
    Great use of paragraphs and personal voice.

    1. thanks for the comment and i hope i can teach the younger students
