Sunday, May 22, 2016

Cross country

On a the 18th of the 5th Wednesday my school did cross country, now I'm not a big fan of cross country so I was hoping I would crash my motor bike so I would have an excuse to not do it, but I didn't crash at least not until after cross country and I pull the tendency off my arm along the bone and I broke my foot peg as well . In cross country I ran in front of the younger students so they knew where to go and I was a bit worried about some of the passing me but it all went well for me and I got quite a bit ahead of them. I came 5th in my cross country  race but that doesn't matter expected the fact that I got in to try schools but you can choose if you want to do it or not but when the time came my friends said yes and I wanted to bet them in try schools so bad! This Wednesday is try schools and my goal is to come second or better and that's my goal .


  1. Jack, have you proof read this?

  2. Jack I think you should play this through the head phones so you can hear the errors. Specifically I want you to look at the length of your sentences and use of punctuation.
    Congratulations for getting through to Tri-Schools. They were very fast races. I'm pleased you didn't crash before the race.

  3. Gooood gob!!! nice writing
