Monday, May 16, 2016

Mt. Richardson

On the 13th  of the 5th Friday the senior syndicate walked up
mt Richardson. I Was in a group of six people ,Eb ,Lachlan ,Josh, Kate,
Hugh and I. We had to stay behind the teacher which was slow but
we made the most of it on the way down and stopped every 10 minutes or so, so we could get miles away from the group with the teacher
and run down till we caught up to them then we would do it again.
One time eb jumped down this high ledge and fell it in a pool of mud
 it was hilarious And when one of us stopped the otwher one ran into you because they couldn't stop or they were slipping on the mud so me and Lachlan had a smart idea and went behind the group and the we ran into them but they couldn't run into us but then josh chucked us into the bushes
Because we knock him over but it was still funny and when we got to the end we were complaining about how we thought are caves were going to bust because they were so sore but all and all we had a great day.

Here's a picture of all of us at the top

1 comment:

  1. Well done for including a picture to celebrate the experience.
    I suggest you use the read/write app to listen to this piece of writing as there doesn't seem to be much punctuation. Please take your time to edit your work.
